Given Hapunda

273 The pursuit of sustainable economic growth and human development at all levels demands that they reflect and adhere to the characteristics of good governance to enhance public confidence and trust in the development discourse. This will require a functional M&E system to enable citizens proactively monitor power-holders and evaluate whether their public service system(s) operates and delivers public goods within the characteristics of the good governance wheel. However, for this to happen, a strong and well-resourced M&E system at all levels is a precondition, especially at local and central government levels. This will entail policy efforts to place M&E functions and culture at the canter stage of all development processes to significantly improved public service delivery, management and administration as well as effectiveness and efficiency. Therefore, based on the chapter discussions, the following are the recommendations;  Resource and sustain efforts to create awareness, understanding and appreciation of the link between governance and M&E, and its role in development discourse to enhance cooperation between citizens and power-holders.  Promote the characteristics of good governance within the public service delivery, management and administration to steer public confidence and trust.  Establish M&E systems in government ministries through deliberate policy to encourage the establishment of well resourced, strong and functional M&E systems to improve good governance principles, and achieve evidence-based public policy, informed public decisions, strategies and actions. References Nelson, C. (2016). Exploring Monitoring and Evaluation within a Good Governance perspective. Stellenbosch, South Africa: Stellenbosch University. Schwandt, O. L.-S. (2016). Evaluation: a crucial ingredient for SDG success. New York, USA: United Nations. Sebudubudu, D. (2010). The impact of good governance on development . African Journal of Political Science and International Relations , 249-262. Sheng, Y. K. (2009). What is Good Governance? Bangkok, Thailand: United Nations. United Nations. (2012). Governace and Development. New York, USA: United Nations. World Bank. (2010). Challenges in M&E An Opportuntiy to Institutionalise M&E Systems. Washington D.C., USA: World Bank.