Given Hapunda

279 part of the host. While accountability and learning are key in monitoring and evaluation, the systems’ purpose should primarily focus on meeting the needs and values of the primary beneficiaries of a project, programme or policy. The issue of accountability started because of misappropriation of funds. However, this suspicion is not easy to remove by donors, as such, they still need a stake of control to make sure that their funds are used for the intended purpose. Therefore, agreeing on the degree of control is a challenge in such systems. The other challenge that may arise from a country or organization-led M&E systems includes time that it takes to negotiate ownership (UNICEF, 2009), and issues to do with power and boundaries for the parties involved. A Methodology of Developing the M&E System There is no internationally-agreed blueprint on how to develop an M&E system. As a result, different people or organisations will develop systems differently. The most important thing is for a system to meet its intended purpose and meet the criteria of a good system. What is discussed below is based on what literature says and the experience of the author in developing M&E systems for organisations. Before we turn to the methodology, we should discuss what constitutes a good M&E system. A good M&E system should address Ws&H adverbs and each of these should speak to each other: 1. What – a good system should clearly state what is to be monitored and evaluated within a specified time period. 2. Where – the system should clearly state where a particular project component, performance question or indicator is to be monitored or evaluated and on whom (e.g., persons or what e.g., physical structures). 3. How – the system should state clearly how a particular indicator will be monitored or evaluated. What methods will be used to collect data and analyse the data. 4. When – the system should be clear when a particular component or indicator is to be monitored, evaluated or adjusted. 5. Who – the system should clearly state who is responsible for particular monitoring and evaluation activities. This enhances accountability. 6. Whom – the system should clearly state for whom the M&E data is and when this data is needed 7. Why – the system should state clearly why certain information from M&E is needed by a particular stakeholder. The purpose for M&E-related data should be used and feedback should be obtained from data consumers.