Given Hapunda

280 Now that we know what a robust system addresses, we can now review the steps for developing an M&E system. There are at least 9 steps to follow when developing a robust M&E system: 1. M&E readiness assessment - M&E readiness refers to the preparedness to use M&E data for decision-making and act on recommendations to improve action and project management (Patton, 2008). According to Patton (2008), research on readiness found that ‘valuing evaluation’ is a necessary condition for evaluation use, and it is important to be in touch with reality on the ground, such as human capacities, financial resources to support M&E, supporting organisational structures and having a clear purpose for setting up the M&E system. If stakeholders are not ready to use M&E data, there is no need to waste resource on M&E. Smith (1992), developed a readiness for evaluation questionnaire shown in Exhibit 1. Positive beliefs and willingness to be actively involved in monitoring and evaluation are precursors to using the evaluation system. Exhibit 1: Items on Belief in Programme Evaluation from Readiness for Evaluation Questionnaire. 1. Programme evaluation would pave way for better programmes for our clientele 2. This would be a good time to begin (renew or intensify) work on programme evaluation 3. Installing a procedure for programme evaluation would enhance the statue of our organisation. 4. We do not need to have our programme evaluated. 5. The amount of resistance in the organisation to programme evaluation should be a deterrent to pursue a policy of programme evaluation. 6. I have yet to be convinced of the alleged benefits of programme evaluation. 7. Programme evaluation would only increase the workload 8. “Programme evaluation” and “accountability” are just fads that hopefully will die down soon. 9. Programme evaluation would tell me nothing more than I already know. 10. I would be willing to commit at least 5% of the program budget for evaluation. 11. A formal programme evaluation would make it easier to convince administrators of needed changes. 12. We would probably get additional or renewed funding if we carry out a plan for programme evaluation. 13. Programme evaluation might lead to greater recognition and reward for those who deserve it. 14. It would be difficult to implement a procedure for a programme evaluation without seriously disrupting other activities. 15. No additional time and money can be available for program evaluation 16. Most of the objections one hears about programme evaluation are really pretty and irrational 17. Some money could probably be made available to provide training to staff in programme evaluation. Source : Smith, (1992) 2. Define purpose and scope of the M&E system – defining the purpose and scope of the M&E system looks easy but it can be astonishingly challenging to do. Whatever the case, defining the purpose and scope can help decide on issues such as budget levels, number of indicators needed and type of communication among others (IFAD, 2002). Purpose relates to the reasons why a country or organisation is setting up the M&E system. Different organisations have different reasons for setting up the M&E systems. In many cases, organisations wish to develop (or improve) M&E