Given Hapunda

284  Independence – This one has been added by the author because it is a requirement for organisation-led system. Here you assess if the system is independent from the influence of donors and other policy makers. The M&E system is not a “cast in stone”, it needs to be updated and adjusted accordingly. Different project milestones can be used for system adjustment such as weekly staff meetings, monthly partner meetings, monitoring visits, participatory annual review, mid-term review etc. The criteria used for quality assessment can also be used when updating the M&E system. Web-based and non-web-based M&E systems There are web based and non-web based M&E softwares that can be more effective than paper- based systems. Unlike paper-based systems, in web-based, component of the system speak and influence each other. One such software commonly used is found on The software does a lot to include GIS mapping, annual operation plans, donor management systems, indicator tracking systems, procurement and chain management systems, comprehensive reporting etc. In Zambia, the Impact Manager is one of such sophisticated and interactive web-based software that does analysis; both qualitative and quantitative within the framework. It develops reports, tracks activities on the platforms and sends notification to users of any activities done on the system and users are able comment and receive feedback. It also has a calendar and planner that is synchronised with all processes in the system. References House, E., & Howe, K. R. (1999). Values in evaluation and social research . Sage. IFAD .(2002). Managing for Impact in Rural Development, A Guide for Projects M&E . Rome, Italy: International Fund for Agricultural Development. Patton, M.Q. (2008). Utilization-focused evaluation . California, Thousand Oakland: Sage Publication. Simister, N. (2009). Developing M&E systems for complex organizations: A methodology . International NGO Training and Research Centre. M&E paper 3. Smith, D.S. (1992). Academic and staff attitudes towards program evaluation in non-formal educational systems . (Unpublished Ph.D dissertation), University of California, Berkeley, CA. UNICEF. (2009). Country-led monitoring and evaluation systems. Better evidence, better policies and better developmental results . UNICEF Regional Office for CEE/CIS: Geneva.