Given Hapunda

286 Appendix 1: Managing for Impact: Assessment Tool I nstructions : for each statement indicate (1 Limited: to indicate limited awareness, knowledge and capacities in place on the issue; 2 Being developed: to indicate there is an awareness of the importance of this issue but the mechanisms and capacities to put it in place may be lacking although an effort is made to develop the issue; 3 Partially functioning: to indicate most people are aware of the importance of this issue and they have basic knowledge and skills to work on it. Capacities and conditions are generally in place to make it work but there is still room for improvement, and 4 Fully effective: to indicate the issue is fully accepted as an important issue and fully integrated into processes and systems, and leading to positive results. No. Guiding question (Include why or why not) 1 2 3 3 Comment (Ideas for further improvement) Part 1: Guiding project strategy towards impact 1a To what extent is programme redesign taken as an integral and ongoing process? 1 2 3 3 1b To what extent does the project strategy incorporate long- term capacity development and sustainability? 1 2 3 3 1c To what extent are there built-in opportunities and activities that support learning and enable adaptation of the project strategy during implementation (e.g., flexible and critical use of the log-frame enabled through critical reflection/review meetings)? 1 2 3 3 1d To what extent is programme design and redesign participatory? (strategic level) – i.e., who are the stakeholders of the project and to what extent are they involved in the development of the strategic plan(s) and the strategic changes? 1 2 3 3 1e To what extent do project staff understand the intervention strategy (development pathway)? (e.g., to what extent do project staff have an understanding of the logic & approach the project uses for its interventions?) 1 2 3 3 1f To what extent do other stakeholders (beneficiaries, partners etc.) understand the intervention strategy (development pathway)? [e.g., to what extent do other stakeholders have an understanding of the approach the project uses for its interventions?] 1 2 3 3 1g To what extent are changes made at strategic level (e.g., changes in log-frame at outcome and impact level; changes in approaches used etc)? (e.g., changes in the approach, advocacy, working with partners; changes in key components of the log-frame (strategic level) etc. 1 2 3 3 1h To what extent are gender issues considered as a cross-cutting issues in project design? 1 2 3 3 Part 2: Ensuring effective operations