Given Hapunda

289 5g To what extent is individual performance linked with organisational performance? 1 2 3 3 5h To what extent do forums for critical reflection facilitate dialogue about lesson learning and improving practice? 1 2 3 3 5i To what extent is critical reflection encouraged at an individual level? 1 2 3 3 5j To what extent is the organisation/programme linked with other networks/initiatives that encourage learning & sharing around good practice etc? 1 2 3 3 Source: Wageningen University, The Netherlands Overall assessment 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.a Participatory design 1.b Understanding strategy (project staff) 1.c. Understanding strategy (stakeholders) 1.d. Strategic changes 2.a Participatory operational planning - staff involvement 2.b Participatory operational planning - stakeholder involvement 2.c Efffective planning systems 2.d Good institional processes for operations 3.a Purpose of M&E system 3.b Performance questions 3.c Info needs of stakeholders 3.d Info on program, organisation etc 3.e Methods for data collection & processing 3.f Participation in data collection & processing 3.g Critical reflection processes & events 3.h Participation in decision making 3.i Timely & good quality reporting 3.j Reporting on stakeholders info needs 4.a Human M&E capacity 4.b Incentives for M&E 4.c Structures & processes for M&E 4.d MIS 4.e M&E Funding 5.a Learning environment project 5.b Learning environment with stakeholders 6.a Gender integrated in design 6.b Gender integrated in M&E Overall assessment