Given Hapunda

291 3.1 Where do you live? Town/City Farm Informal settlement Rural village Hostel Other, specify…………... 3.2 Do other people live in your house? 3.3 How many people are living in your house? 3.4. How many children live with you? 1 2 3 4 5 5+ 3.5. Are all members permanent residents in this house? Yes No 3.6 If yes, how long have you been staying permanent in this house? < 1 year 1-5 years >5 years 3.7 In what type of house are you staying? Brick Clay Grass Zinc/shack 3.8 How many rooms does your house have? < 2 rooms 3-4 rooms > 4 rooms 3.9 Are there other houses/shacks within the same yard of the main house? Yes No 3.10 How would you describe the place where you are currently living? Homeless Living with relatives/friends Hostel accommodation Squatter home Rented house/flat Own house/flat Other, specify………………………. YES NO 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 10+