Given Hapunda

292 3.11 Do you have the following facilities at home? 3.11.1 Water Tap in the house Tap outside the house (in yard) Borehole Spring/river/dam water Fetch water from elsewhere 3.11.2 Toilet facilities None Pit latrine Flush/sewage Bucket system Other, specify………………………. 3.11.3 Waste removal Yes No 3.11.4 Tarred road in front of house Yes No Gravel road in front of house Yes No 3.12 To what extent do you have problems with your housing (e.g. too small, repairs, damp, etc.)? ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 3.13. Do you have problems with the following? Mice/Rats Cockroaches Ants Other pests, specify………………………….. 4. WORK STATUS AND INCOME 4.1. Are you currently employed? Yes No If YES, go to Question 4.5. 4.2. If NO, how would you describe your current status (tick one box only)? Unemployed Retired Housewife Student Other, specify………………… 4.3. Are you actively looking for paid employment at the moment? Yes No 4.4. How long have you been unemployed?