Given Hapunda

293 < 6 months 6-12 months 1-3 years > 3 years 4.5. If YES (question 4.1) is your current job a: Permanent position Temporary position Fixed term contract Other, specify………………….. 4.6. Is your job? Full-time < 25 hours per week 4.7 What is the exact title of your current job? (Including self-employed) 4.8 Do you have a second job for extra cash? Yes No If YES, go to Question 4.10. 4.9 If NO, is your spouse (partner) in paid employment at present? Yes, full time, permanent Yes, part-time, permanent (< 25 hours p w) Yes, temporary No, unemployed No, retired No, other, specify…………………………. 4.10. If YES, what is your spouse (partner)’s occupation or job? 4.11. What is the total income in the household per month? 4.12 Please specify the monthly income in the household (if willing)………………….. 4.13. How often does it happen that you do not have enough money to buy food or clothing for you or your family? Always Often Sometimes Seldom Never 4.14 How many people e.g. partner, relatives & others (including yourself) contributed to your household income from any source,(including wages/salary from paid employment, money from second or odd jobs income from savings investments, pension, rent or property, benefits and or maintenance etc.) in the last 12 months? People < R500 R501-R1000 R1001-R1500 R1501- R2000 R2001-R2500 > R2500 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9