Given Hapunda

295 6. ASSETS Tick one block for every question: Father Mother Sibling Grandma Other 6.1 Who is mainly responsible for food preparation in the house? 6.2 Who decides on what types of food are bought for the household? 6.3 Who is mainly responsible for feeding/serving the child? 6.4 Who is the head of this household? 6.5 Who decides how much is spent on food? 6.6 How many meals do you eat per day? 0 1 2 3 > 3 6.7 Where do you eat most of your meals? Home Friends Work Buy Other, specify……………………. 6.8 Where do your children eat most of their meals? Home Friends School Buy Other, specify……………………. 6.9 Does your home have the following and how many? Yes No Quantity Electrical stove Gas stove Primus or paraffin stove Microwave Hot plate Radio Television Refrigerator Freezer Bed with mattress Mattress only Lounge suite Dining room suite Electrical iron Kettle, electrical 6.10What type of fuel do you usually use for food preparation? Food fire Paraffin Electricity Gas Coal Other, specify…………… 6.11What type/s of pots do you use to cook your food (tick all relevant options)? Cast iron Aluminium Stainless steel Clay Other, specify…………… Thank you very much for your co-operation. We appreciate the time.