Given Hapunda

297 to increased enrolment and retention in school 1b , and improved equity 1c . If this happens, then it may contribute to improved access to education. Hierarchy of Objectives 2.0. PURPOSE AND SCOPE OF THE IMPROVED ACCESS AND EQUITY TO QUALITY EDUCATION M&E SYSTEM Purpose The core purpose of the M&E system of the Improved Access and Equity to Quality Education System in Mukonchi is to provide the information needed for impact-oriented project management and involve key stakeholders in learning how to improve project implementation. The M&E system will provide regular reports on project progress to different stakeholder groups in a format appropriate for their needs. Scope The scope of the system will employ both qualitative and quantitative approaches. The system will use qualitative approach in order to document stakeholders’ views and opinions on project components such as gender equity and quality of education. Quantitative will be used to estimate the effect size of Goal  To improve access and equity to quality basic education of 80% eligible children by 2019 Purpose/objective  To increase the number of children completing basic education  To increase the number of girls and OVCs completing basic education  To improve the quality of education provision Outputs  Increased enrolment  Increased retention  Conducive learning and teaching environment  Attractive learning environment Activities  Sensitising communities on importance of education  Sponsoring girls and OVCs with fees and learning materials  Providing reading and teaching materials to schools  Supporting families with basic needs  Building class rooms and providing desks in selected schools  Building capacities of teachers especially in community schools