Given Hapunda

299 3.0. IMPLEMENTATION AND MONITORING PLAN Note : While you budget for the whole duration of the project, it is recommended to develop an annual implementation plan than for the whole project duration because each year you are supposed to adjust the project strategy which may affect planning and budgeting. Activities Target Beneficiaries Time Frame Results Anticipated (output) Indicator Assumptions or Comments Proposed Monitoring Visit Date (s) Person Responsible J F M A M J J A S O N D Sensitising communities on the importance of education Mukonchi communities Increased community awareness on importance of school # and type of sensitisations done Communities and their leaders will respond positively March, June, October Project staff Sponsoring girls and OVCs with fees and learning materials Girls and other OVCs Girls have requisites and attend school % of girls and OVCs sponsored with school fees, learning material Feels and learning materials will enable them attend school March, June, October Project staff Providing reading and teaching materials to schools Schools and pupils Schools have reading and teaching materials # and type of reading materials provided per target school Reading and teaching materials will improve teaching March, June, October Project staff Supporting families with basic needs Vulnerable families Families have basic needs therefore children attend school instead of working % of families supported with basic needs per month Children will focus on school instead of helping families meet basic needs March, June, October Project staff Building class rooms and providing desks in selected schools Selected schools in Mukonchi Sufficient and conducive classroom # and size of class built per school. # of desks provided per school Expansion of schools will attract and accommodate more pupils March, June, October Project staff Building capacities of teachers especially in community schools Teachers Teachers are skilled and knowledgeable # of teachers trained in specialised training in community and regular schools Teachers behaviors and teaching methodologies will improve March & June Project staff