Given Hapunda

303 5.0. M&E MATRIX Annotation Only the goal, one objective, one output and one activity will be presented here just as examples of how to write and present them in a matrix. Ideally all objectives, outputs and activities should be presented. The matrix is a useful tool for conducting formative evaluation Hierarchy of Objective Performanc e questions Baseline or benchma rk Information needs and indicators Milestone Target Means of Verification Assumptio ns/ risks Sample/data source Evaluatio n design Data collection method/ tool Data analysis and reporting Person responsib le Event Achieveme nt Goal: To improve access and equity to quality basic education of 80 % of eligible children by 2019 Has the project achieved its goal of improving access and equity to basic education by 80%? Why or why not Only 43% of eligible children were in school Levels of enrolment % of pupil and type of their SES backgroun d accessing basic eductaion Midterm review & end evaluatio n 50% 80% School enrolment books Families will register their children School enrolment books Before and after Document review Descriptiv e. report to Director and Ministry of General Education M&E consultan t To what extent has the project interventio n improved equity in basic education? Why or why not? Of the 43% only 17% were girls Girls enrolment levels % of girls in school 35% 70% School enrolment books Families will register their girls and cultural practices that stop girls from attending school will stop. School enrolment books Before and after Document review Thematic content analysis M&E consultan t