Given Hapunda

304 Has quality in education improved? Why or why not Poor assessme nt of educatio n quality Quality of education Perception of stakeholder s Reading levels and pass rates Teachers will be motivated to improve quality Assessment records and teachers Before after Document review and classroom observatio ns Interviews Thematic content analysis M&E consultan t What unanticipat ed positive or negative consequenc es did the project have? Why or why not? Project consequenc es Perception s of stakeholder s Project beneficiaries and stakeholders M&E consultan t Purpose 1: To increase the number of children completin g basic education Has the project increased the number of pupils registering to start or re-enter school? Why or why not? 763 of those eligible not in school and 207% supposed to be in school dropped out Figures of school pupils # of pupils entering and re- entering school Quarterly progress assessme nt Mid-term and end evaluatio n 30% incremen tal per year 700 School books Parents will register their children and dropouts will be willing to re-enter school School records Before and after Document review Descriptiv e statistics Project coordinat or