Given Hapunda

305 Is the increase and retention of pupils attending basic education as a result of the project interventio n? Why or why not? on how The chief and local MPs have were advocatin g for basic educatio n in the area Relationshi p between enrolment or re-entry and project interventio n Assessment of stakeholder s of the cause in increase in pupils’ enrolment? Testimonies of project beneficiaries Project beneficiari es will be honest in assessing the cause of increase in enrolment Project beneficiaries and stakeholders Thematic content analysis Interviews Thematic content analysis All report to M&E director M&E coordinat or Output 1: Increased enrolment Have numbers increased in enrolment? Why or why not? Enrolments # of pupils Monitori ng visit 20%/ year Registers Register pupils will not dropout Register Descripti ve Monitorin g form Descriptiv e M&E officer Are pupils attending classes regularly? Class attendance % of class attendance per month Registers Teachers will be consistent in keeping registers Register Activity 1: Sensitising communiti es on importanc e of education Were communitie s sensitized on the importance of school? Sensitisatio n # and type of sensitisatio ns done Monitori ng visit 80% of the communi ty Community confirmation and photos Beneficiaries and key Stakeholders \ Descripti ve Monitorin g form Descriptiv e statistics M&E officer What the sensitizatio n done on time and within budget? Why or why not? Time and costs of sensitisatio n Date and cost of sensitizatio n Implementati on logs and expenditure logs Implementati on logs and expenditure log Descripti ve Monitorin g form Descriptiv e