Given Hapunda

307 6.0 CORE M&E QUESTIONS AND CROSS-CUTTINGISSUES MATRIX Annotation This matrix is very useful for summative evaluation. To be effective, the user must be aware of baseline information or any other basis for comparison. Cross-cutting issues are those that the project feels may affect intervention if not addressed or controlled. While much of the working pertaining to this matrix is done and sometimes developed by an external consultant to evaluate a project, programme or policy, the contracting organisation should have one for guidance . Core M&E Questions Performance questions Information needs Indicators Milestone moment Sample/data source Data collection tool Evaluation design Data analysis Person responsible Impact To what extent has the project intervention contributed towards increased access of 80% to basic education? Why or why not? To what extent has the project intervention contributed to improved equity to education on the targeted percentage? Why or why not? Access to education levels Gender equality levels OVCs in school Education quality % of enrollment, retention and re-entry # of girls in school # and type of OVCs in school % of stakeholders assessment Mid-term and end evaluation School registers School registers School register and CBM forms Key stakeholders Document review Document review Semi- structured interview Before and after Before and after Before and after Descriptive M&E consultant and director