Given Hapunda

308 What is the assessment of stakeholders of the quality of education in targeted school? What unanticipated positive or negative consequences did the project have? Why or why not? Project consequences of quality categories Perception of stakeholders Perceptions of stakeholders and primary beneficiaries Key stakeholders and primary beneficiaries Descriptive exploration Thematic content analysis Relevance Was the intervention strategy the best way to maximise impact? Why or why not? Did the project deal with the target group priorities? Why or why not? Relevance Target group priorities Assessment of stakeholders and key informants Opinions of stakeholders and key informants Mid-term and end evaluation Key informants and project documents Semi- structured interview and document review Descriptive exploratory Thematic content analysis And document analysis M&E consultant Effectiveness Were the planned objectives, outputs and activities achieved? Why or why not? Is the intervention State of project components Correctness of intervention Action alternatives Assessment of evaluator and key stakeholders Perception of stakeholders and key informants Mid-term and end evaluation Key informant and project documents Semi- structured interview and document review Descriptive exploratory Thematic content analysis and document analysis M&E consultant