Given Hapunda

309 logic correct? Why or why not? What can be done differently to improve action? Opinions of stakeholders and key informants Efficiency Were inputs used in the best possible way? Why or why not? What could be done differently to improve implementation, thereby maximising impact, at an acceptable and sustainable cost? Utilisation of resources Alternative ways to utilising resources Perception of stakeholders and stakeholder’s Planned figures relative to expenditure Opinions of stakeholders Mid-term and end evaluation Key informant and project documents Semi- structured interview and document review Descriptive exploratory Thematic content analysis and document analysis M&E consultant Sustainability Will there be continued impact as a result of the project once it has been finished? Why or why not What are some facilitators and Sustainability chances Barriers and facilitators of sustainability Perceptions of stakeholders Perceptions of stakeholders Mid-term and end evaluation Key informants Semi- structured interview Descriptive exploratory Thematic content analysis M&E consultant