Given Hapunda

310 barriers of sustainability? Governance How was the project implemented? Was the M&E county-led or was it influenced by secondary stakeholders? Why or why not? Implementation process System independence Perceptions of stakeholders Mid-term and end evaluation Key informants Semi- structured interview Phenomenology Thematic content analysis M&E consultant Cross-Cutting Issues Gender How has the project improved gender participation in school attendance and project? How has the involvement of girls and women contributed towards the projects goal? Gender participation Impact of gender consideration on project Perception of stakeholders # of males and females Perception of stakeholders Mid-term and end evaluation Key informants Project and school registers Key informants Focus group and document review Descriptive exploratory Thematic content analysis Descriptive Analysis M&E consultant Poverty How has the project contributed towards poverty alleviation How has poverty alleviation contributed Poverty levels Effect of poverty of project goal Assessment of stakeholders Perceptions of stakeholders Mid-term and end evaluation Key informants Focus group discussion and document review Thematic content analysis Thematic content analysis M&E consultant