Given Hapunda

313 8.0.DATA COLLECTION PLAN Data collection method or measurement tools Description Target objective /indicator Date of data collection Person responsible Questionnaire Tool used to gain data from a larger number of people in a structured way and allows for statistical analysis To assess equity and quality of education Mid and end of the year M&E manager and consultant Semi-structured interview Tool used to gain information face-to-face from an individual using a series of questions to guide conversation, but allow for new probes To answer the five core M&E questions on impact relevance, efficiency, effectiveness, sustainability Mid-term and end of the project M&E manager and consultant School registers A tool for capturing student information includes data of entry, attendance, gender, grade etc. To increase the number of children completing basic education. To increase the number of girls and OVCs completing basic education At end of the project year M&E manager and consultant Project reports Documents on project or component progress and lessons learnt For objective and other project components attainment During evaluation M&E manager and consultant photos Visual of some objects or events in a project To build class rooms in target school M&E officer Monitoring form Form that captures progress on activities, and whether outputs and outcomes have been attained. It also documents lessons leant per visits and recommendations made For all activities, inputs and outputs e.g:  Sensitising communities on importance of education  Sponsoring girls and OVCs with fees and learning materials  Providing reading and teaching materials to schools Inception of project implementation M&E officer