Given Hapunda

314 9.0.CRITICAL REFLECTION AND LEARNING PLAN Reflection and learning events Description/Purpose Whom to involve Planned date Training required Participatory project review strategy Assess the relevance and achievements, draw lessons and make recommendations on the sustainability of the project Pupils, parents, teachers and community leaders, staff and cooperating partners Mid of the project years In documenting lessons learnt and best practices Developing M&E plan The event draws lesson from other projects on how to develop robust M&E systems Project staff and cooperating partners Inception of the project and during M&E system adjustment None Weekly staff meetings Discuss implementation problems, how to correct them and identify best practices Project and M&E staff Every Friday of the weeks None Monthly partner meetings Discuss responsibilities and schedules and any implementations problems Community-based partners, staff and beneficiaries The last Friday of the week None Monitoring Assesses progress on activities inputs and outputs M&E staff and CBM staff Quarterly CBM Annual participatory review Discuss relationships and impact of reviews, problems discussed and corrected Staff and key stakeholders End of project year Impact management Supervision mission Focus on procedures and progress in the project Staff and stakeholders TBA Non Mid-term review Review progress towards impact, strategic direction assessed and significant changes needed to be made Staff, primary beneficiaries and other stakeholders Mid of the project cycle, 2017 Non Completion report Key success celebrated and mistakes identified –both are basis for lessons learnt Staff, primary beneficiaries and other stakeholders End of project 2019 Non Annotation Critical reflection and learning events are only effective if they are consistent and apply the steps of documenting lessons learnt and best practices and reports are sent to all stakeholders for their feedback and implementation. My experience is that most organizations do not take critical reflections serious, yet it is the bedrock of managing for impact and decision-making.