Given Hapunda

“Africa hosts a plethora of development projects being implemented on various thematic areas. Yet, context relevant literature on performance management of these projects has lagged behind. The body of literature that interrogates the effectiveness of methods used to engage the beneficiaries of development projects remains seriously stunted. This is a timely contribution to this dearth of literature in ensuring context relevant and beneficiary focused effective results management. As the development sector focuses on leaving no one behind in the achievement of the agenda 2030, this book will go a long way in equipping the development and academic sector in ensuring the end users are not left behind. I congratulate the editor and the different contributors on the publication. I highly recommend the book to readers interested in results based management that empowers the end user in a sustainable manner.” Douglas Tendai Phiri Adviser, Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (Norad) ISBN 978-94-6299-901-5 seriously literature effective resu leaving no o book will go a sector in en the edito I highly reco managemen Adviser, No ISBN 978-94-6 Hapunda_cover.indd Alle pagina's