Given Hapunda

42 The next step is to identify needs and assets of the community or location that are related to the problem (See Focus Box 6). What needs or assets led you to address this problem? If a need assessment was conducted, then data should be used to make a strong case. The Kellogg Foundation (2002) argues that documenting community needs and assets also helps your evaluation plan later on and it can be used as a baseline providing indicators that measure progress made by your programme over time. Once needs and assets have been identified, the next step is to identify what you expect to achieve in the near and long term (see Focus Box 7). This stage answers what are your desired results, which you should by now know through the outputs of a shared vision exercise. These in a theory of change are disaggregated according to outputs, outcomes and impact. Outcomes depending on the complexity of the project can further be divided into immediate, intermediate and long-term outcomes. With the desired results in mind, the next step is to identify factors (proactive and or risks) that could influence change in your project. This stage answers questions; what are the potential barriers and/or support that might impact the change you hope for? Are there polices or other factors that could affect your project? The next thing is to identify general successful strategies or best practices that can help your project achieve the kind of results your project promises (see Focus Box 8). Remember you are dealing with strategies not activities. Strategies are broad concepts or approaches to achieve the project objectives while activities are actions that are undertaken within these strategies. For example, 'building the capacity of the community members' is a strategy your project has adopted. While “training community members Focus Box 6: Documented Needs/ Assets Hypothetical Example Reports state that 88% of productive women are not participating in socioeconomic development. 21% percent of these have been deserted by their productive partners who are economically able to support them and a further 51% have been prevented by their spouse to earn an income or participate in any economic activities. In addition, 23% are reported to be in physically abusive relationships. Last year’s need assessment identified lack of women empowerment economically and on human rights as the number 1 needy issue. Therefore, ZOZI –A – ZOZI is researching ways to address the needs of women in Chongwe . Focus Box 7: Desired Results Example: Increased access to capital, increased social capital, increased education opportunities, increased awareness of human rights among women in chongwe. Create a sustainable community empowerment programme based on empower one and that one will empower three more. The project anticipate 50% increase in women empowerment with ability to meet all social amenities and a self-reliant woman hence reduced levels of human rights abuse among them.