Given Hapunda

46 3. How these indicators will be monitored or where the data can be found. 4. The assumptions behind the logic of how activities will eventually contribute to the goal, plus associated risks for the project if assumptions turn out to be incorrect. Table 2: Log-Frame Matrix Table and its Components Objective hierarchy (narrative summary, intervention logic) Performance questions and indicators (objectively verifiable indicators, targets) Monitoring mechanism (means of verification, source of information) Assumptions and risks Goal (overall aim, development objective) The long term aim, change of state or improved situation towards which the project is making a contribution Performance questions and indicators at goal level-high level impact How necessary information will be gathered For long term sustainability of the project Purpose (project development objective) The immediate project objective ,the overall observable changes in performance, behaviour or resource status that should occur as a result of the project Performance questions and indicators at goal level- high level impact How necessary information will be gathered Assumptions in moving from purpose to goal Outputs (results) The products, services or the results that must be delivered by the project for the component objectives and purpose to be achieved Performance questions and indicators for each output- output indicator How necessary information will be gathered Assumptions in moving from outputs to purposes Activities The actions taken by the project that are required for delivery of the outputs Note : the needed input go here, not indicators for activities Assumptions in moving from activities to outputs During project designing, the LFM is crucial in developing the annual work plan and budget (AWPB) – a document that lists activities to be implemented each year with their associated cost. In addition, the LFM becomes the basis for developing the monitoring and evaluation matrix (M&E Matrix). Theory of Change versus Log Frame Matrix The theory of change and log frame matrix are not the same and should not be used in place of the other. A LFM is developed or at least inspired from ToC. A theory of change is more detailed in describing how different components influence each other to achieve the project objectives while logic frame matrix is a summary of different components of the project and how they can be used to measure progress. Detailed differences are shown in Table 3 below.