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50 managed to achieve impact hence the reason we do not see desirable impact in their areas of focus. Tools have been developed to assess the extent to which the components of managing for impact have been puts in place. One such tool is the managing for impact self-assessment tool developed by the Wageningen UR Centre for Development which can be used as a diagnostic and training tool (see Appendix 1). A spider web assessment tool can be used to understand the overall assessment in each area of the components (see Appendix 2). Conclusion This chapter laid the foundation for results-based M&E frameworks. The chapter started with a discussion on shared vision and how shared vision led to a common understanding of the desired future, thereby maximising the likelihood of success. The chapter describes the development and use of a theory of change that reflects the aspiration and vision of the project beneficiaries, users and implementers. The chapter argued that the theory of change is a stepping stone to impact management but not an impact management framework in its own right. To this end, the chapter ended with a discussion on how to manage projects for impact. This chapter brought out elements that are needed for impact management in projects, polices or programmes. Reference Andersson, J, Öberg, Å., & Eriksson Y. (2011). The use of storyboard to capture experiences. Paper presented at the International Conference on Engineering Design, ICED11, Technical University of Denmark, 11 -18 August, 2011. Australian Agency for International Development (2005).The Logical Framework Approach. Common wealth of Australia. Bennis, W., & Nanus, B. (1997). Leader’s strategies for taking charge . New York. Harper Business. Bushe, G. R. (1998). Five theories of change embedded in appreciative inquiry . Paper presented at the 18th Annual World Congress of Organization Development, Dublin, Ireland, July 14-18. Christenson, D & Walker, D.H.T. (2004). Understanding the role of vision in project success. Project management Journal, 25 (3), 39 -52. International Fund for Agricultural Development. (2002). managing for impact in rural development: A guide for project M&E. IFAD, Rome Italy. Kellogg Foundation. (2004). Using logical model to bring together, planning, evaluation and action: Logical model development guide: Battle Creek, Michigan: W.K. Kellogg Foundation.