Given Hapunda

66 Performance Questions at Different Levels of the Objective Hierarchy The focus of three types of performance questions differs across the level of the objective hierarchy. At goal level normative and cause-and-effect questions are often used while at activity and output level descriptive questions are common. Table 7 below links performance questions to different components of M&E. Table 7: Linking Performance Questions to Different Components of M&E Component Specific Area Performance Questions Focus on answering: Hierarchy of objectives Goal Intervention’s contribution to long term goal Objective Achieved changes as a result of intervention Outcome What are the immediate signs of change in the project Output Observable products or services as a result of activities Activities Whether activities are have been implemented on time, budgeted for and are of quality inputs Whether inputs have been delivered on time and used efficiently Core M&E Questions Impact Consequences of the interventions Relevance Significance of the intervention to the problems needing improvement Efficiency Optional use of resources Effectiveness Achievement of different planned project components Sustainability Likelihood of continued project change Governance Effects of decision made in the project Cross-cutting issues Gender Mainstreaming gender in the project Poverty Assess and reducing effect of poverty on project Operations Resource utilisation How resources are being used in project Implementation If implementation was timely, of quality and within budget Stakeholder needs Answering different information needs of stakeholders Information Needs Have you ever asked a friend or workmate a question and received a response that did not answer your question? Most likely on many instances. The problem your friend or colleague had was he/she did not understand what your information need was to the question. Information needs refer to specific perceived information (response) required to satisfy the person or organisation asking the question. To be able to get this type of information, the question must be clear devoid of ambiguities and it should not be