Given Hapunda

67 double-barred because only one part will be answered. In Table 7 above, performance questions focus required information needs. Source of Information Needs There are multiple sources of information needs. The first source is the purpose of the M&E system. If the organisation is clear on the reasons they have set the M&E system, then their information needs are made clear too. For instance, an organisation’s purpose for setting up the M&E would be to track progress and impact made. If you look at Table 7 under goal, objective (purpose) and impact you will see that information needed to answer these components includes contribution of intervention to project, observable changes in project beneficiaries and consequences of the project. Factors affecting identification of information needs include: a) Poorly constructed questions. b) Lack of good measures to collect data. c) Psychological factors such as personal perceptions and needs. d) Leading questions in interviews and perceptual bias in observations. Importance of Information Needs Information needs guide data collection and analysis. They focus the direction of monitoring or evaluation processes. So many times, organisations gather data that does not contribute to answering their objectives because of misunderstood information needs. Information needs also help develop effective performance questions and indicators. If one is clear of his or her information needs, questions asked are specifically tailored to such needs. Indicators In projects, programmes or policies, we need indicators to show how we are progressing relative to our targets or goals. These indicators can be quantitative or qualitative. IFAD (2002) defines an indicator as a qualitative or quantitative factor or variable that provides a simple and reliable basis for assessing achievement, change or performance. Indicators are signs, signals, marks or measuring devices an organisation uses to assess progress, performance and impact of a project, programme or policy. Therefore, an indicator is a quantitative or qualitative sign, mark or signal that shows the state and condition of the project, programme or policy in relation to its initial start, progression and post- intervention implementation.