Given Hapunda

71 from Example of an indices indicator would be “index of gender inequality in the provision of education”. 8. Qualitative open-ended indicators – this type of an indicator allows expression of opinions, perceptions and assessment of stakeholders on a project or wide array of issues in a project. Four adjectives “opinion, perception, views and assessment” are crucial in this type of an indicator. For example, “perceptions of stakeholders about the overall implementation of the project”, would be an example of the qualitative open-ended indicator. 9. Qualitative closed ended indicator - is a type of indicator that solicits focused opinions, perception and assessment of stakeholders on specific information pertaining to a project, programme or policy component. For example “opinions of primary stakeholders about possibility of sustainability of observed change.” Elements of a good indicator A good indicator should have a unit of measurement and indication of the value or adjective that will be used to understand the state or condition of the project, programme or policy. A good indicator is referenced to the baseline or benchmark while focusing on the target of the project achievement. IFAD (2002) proposes that a clear indicator should include:  Specific target to which an indicator will be applied.  Specific unit (adjective –author insertion) of measurement used for the indicator.  Specific timeframe over which it will be monitored.  Reference to baseline/benchmark to refer to.  Specific location to which it will be applied. Indicators should be “SMART” that is:  Specific and significant to the project component measured.  Measurable means a project should be able to measure indicator that we have in a meaningful way.  Attainable and achievable within budget and time using existing human capacities.  Realistic and relevant to the project, program or policy.  Time-bound means indicators should be monitored within a certain timeframe. Kusek & Rist (2004) proposed that indicators should be CREAM, that is:  Clear - precise and unambiguous.