Given Hapunda

78 process, a project should formulate indicators that will help signal how the intervention is progressing in relation to its target. A milestone moment is a perfect period for projects to give itself a mock evaluation to determine how it are doing with regards to meeting its targets. In monitoring and evaluation, there are a number of key milestone moments that can be used for self-evaluation towards the project goals: mid- term review, annual participatory review, quarterly reviews etc. If the project is on course, specified milestones for each moment such as “Stop early marriage manual developed or 200 girls enrolled in school”, will have been achieved at the specified moment. However, if it is not on course, a milestone moment is a perfect opportunity to adjust the project strategy in order to maximise its impact. Milestones are also perfect opportunity to document lessons learnt. Figure 2 below show the pathway to project milestones and targets. Figure 2: Pathway to Project Milestones and Targets It is important to understand how the baseline information and the other different elements of monitoring and evaluation come together in a manner that can be easier to use in a project. Table10 below shows how these different components come together and are captured in the M&E matrix. Table 10: Different Elements of the M&E as they appear in the M&E Matrix Project component Basis for comparison Performance questions Information needs Indicators Milestone Target Improve school enrollment at basic school level 20 % of eligible children were in school To what extent has enrollment improved at basic education level? Enrollment status % of enrolled eligible children 1:3 ratio between boys and girl at mid-term review 85% of eligible children to be in school In addition to the information detailed in the Table 10 above, add the assumptions, means of verifications, data source, design, data collection tools, data analysis and reporting, and the personal responsible columns to have a complete M&E matrix. baseline/benchmark indicators milestones targets