Given Hapunda

8 posted a comment that would be perceived as uncomfortable yet an alternative view of the truth; “ always good to give back to the community. Unfortunately, in Africa, as soon as the donors depart, things revert to what they were ”. As you can imagine, his comment was not well received. I think that there is some truth to his observation. Some projects are done for the sole purpose of reporting to the donor, not for the value of the primary stakeholder, hence the Facebook user’s observation. In PM&E, where the process also builds and promotes the stakeholders ownership of the project, impact tends to be sustained because PM&E promotes change in the individual attitudes and community norms because the project development and process require that stakeholders reflect and analyse their own attitudes, beliefs and behaviours. How to involve Stakeholders at different stages of PM&E Defining the problem Involvement of stakeholders begins right at the start of the project; the design stage. Developing a shared-vision of the policy, programme or project generates information needed in the design of project activities, and it provides the basis for developing a participatory monitoring and evaluation system. Project shared-vision meetings enable stakeholders to analyse and share their knowledge, experiences, views, and concerns on different topics related to their physical, economic and social conditions. A consultant or one of the project staff can facilitate a shared-vision meeting. This person helps to guide the process, but ultimately, it is the stakeholders who define and give shape to the issues that come out of the appraisal. By involving the stakeholders in analysing their own situation, and enabling them to take part in deciding the activities that will be implemented, the participating stakeholders will also own the process. Planning After defining the problem, M&E facilitators or consultants can help stakeholders generate ways of handling the problems that were identified in defining the problem. The list of problems and suggestions forms the basis for developing an action plan. This means decision-making regarding the project will be done together with stakeholders. Decisions made include but not limited to, setting objectives, planning activities and implementing them, determining the size and location of the project and setting targets and time-frames. Focus Box 2: Importance of PM&E PM&E offers new ways for strengthening learning and change both at community, project and institution level hence sustained impact