Given Hapunda

87 Types of Questions Evaluations are done to answer questions about various phenomena which subsequently help solve problems or improve people’s quality of life. Therefore, questions that are usually asked in evaluation programmes, projects or policies are divided into three-broad categories which are: causality inferring (cause-and-effect) questions, descriptive questions and lastly but not least, normative questions. Causality Inferring (Cause-and-Effect) Questions These are questions asked to determine if the changes experienced are solely as a result of the intervention. Better still they also determine the effects of the project, programme or policy. Descriptive Questions These tend to describe aspects of a problem, a programme, a process, a condition, or set of views, or a set of organisational work ethics, policies or structure. They ask questions like who, what, where, when, how, how many, and so on. They are also used to describe activities, inputs and outputs (Morra-Imas & Rist, 2009). Focus Box 1: Examples of Cause and Effect Questions 1. Did the increase in motor vehicle offence fines reduce road traffic offences? 2. Did the mounting of cameras on all high ways reduce road traffic accidents? 3. As a result of the skills training programme, have participants taken up entrepreneur ventures they would otherwise not have done? 4. As a result of the contingent talk intervention training of parents, have the 18 months old babies in the intervention group grown their vocabularies more than their counterparts in the control group? Focus Box 2: Examples of Descriptive Questions 1. How many women participated in the programme? 2. How many men participated in the programme? 3. How many people participated in the training? 4. What were the goals of the project? 5. What are the primary activities of the project? 6. What are the objectives of the project? 7. How were people recruited for the project? 8. Where was the project implemented? 9. When was the program implemented? 10. How beneficial was the programme to the participants