Given Hapunda

vi About the Editor Given Hapunda: is a Lecturer of psychology in the Department of Psychology at the University of Zambia. Given holds a PhD in Developmental and Pediatric Psychology from the University of Tilburg, the Netherlands. His Master degree is in Child and Adolescent Psychology, a joint programme he did between the University of Zambia, Zambia and Leiden University, the Netherlands while his Bachelor’s degree is in Psychology and English from the University of Zambia. He is currently the research coordinator and coordinator for a short course in Participatory Monitoring and Evaluation for Projects, Programmes and Policies for the Department of Psychology. Given has ten years of research, teaching and consultancy experience. His consultancy work spans from developing monitoring and evaluation systems, conducting, baseline surveys, mapping and stock-staking studies, conducting evaluation studies and offering capacity building to civil society organisations and government ministries and departments. He has published in interventional journals, contributed book chapters and written monographs and books.