Daan Pieren

207 Curriculum Vitae CURRICULUM VITAE Daan Pieren was born on November 28 th , 1989 in Heemstede, The Netherlands. He finished his secondary school at the Coornhert Lyceum in Haarlem in 2008. After working in elderly healthcare and voluntary work at the Food bank he started his bachelor Health and Lifesciences at the Vrije Universiteit (VU) in Amsterdam in 2009. As part of his bachelor’s degree, he performed an internship at the Center for Tropical Medicine and Travel Medicine at the Academic Medical Center under supervision of dr. Rosanne Wieten, studying Yellow Fever vaccination in travelers using immunosuppressive medication. After obtaining his Bachelor of Science in 2012, he continued his studies at the VU with the master Biomedical Sciences, specializing in immunology and infectious diseases. As part of the master’s degree, he performed an internship at the Department of Medical Microbiology and Infection Control of the VU Medical Center under supervision of dr. Saara Vainio. There, he studied a new diagnostic test to rapidly detect bacterial resistance to antibiotics. He performed another internship at the Department for Immune Mechanisms (IMM) of the RIVM under supervision of dr. Teun Guichelaar, studying innate immune responses against Respiratory Syncytial Virus in the experimental cotton rat model. To finalize his master’s degree, he wrote his literature thesis at the Leiden University Medical Center at the Department of Parasitology under supervision of dr. Meta Roestenberg and dr. Milly van Dijk (VU), which describes immune protection in the skin after vaccination with live attenuated malaria parasites. After obtaining his Master of Science in 2015, the research activities during his studies encouraged him to pursue a PhD position. In 2015 he started as a PhD candidate at the IMM department of the RIVM in collaboration with the division of Infectious Diseases and Immunology at the Utrecht University. His supervisors were dr. Teun Guichelaar, prof. dr. Willem van Eden, and prof. dr. Debbie van Baarle. The research of his PhD project focused on the impact of aging on T cells, which resulted in this thesis. Daan currently works at the RIVM as a short-term postdoctoral researcher under supervision of dr. Jelle de Wit and prof. dr. Cécile van Els. In summer 2021, Daan will continue his scientific career by moving and working abroad together with one of the most important persons in his life: Julien. A