Daan Pieren

COMPROMISED DNA REPAIR PROMOTES THE ACCUMULATION OF REGULATORY T CELLS WITH AN AGING-RELATED PHENOTYPE AND RESPONSIVENESS Daan K.J. Pieren 1 , Noortje A.M. Smits 1 , Sandra Imholz 2 , Bhawani Nagarajah 2 , Conny T. van Oostrom 2 , Renata M.C. Brandt 3 , Wilbert P. Vermeij 3,4 , Martijn E.T. Dollé 2 , Teun Guichelaar 1 . Manuscript under review 1 Centre for Infectious Disease Control, National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM), Bilthoven, The Netherlands 2 Centre for Health Protection, National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM), Bilthoven, The Netherlands 3 Department of Molecular Genetics, Erasmus MC, Rotterdam, The Netherlands 4 Princess Máxima Center for Pediatric Oncology, ONCODE Institute, Utrecht, The Netherlands