Hester van Eeren

| Chapter 5 5 | 134 Table VII: Baseline differences between adolescents assigned to FFT and MST and standardized bias for youth with court order (N=317) Variable FFT (N = 71) Continuous variables Mean SD N Age 16.4 1.42 71 CBCL Internalizing problems 60.77 10.25 66 Primary outcome Externalizing problems 62.85 11.25 66 Total behavioral problems 62.18 10.73 66 YSR Internalizing problems 53.16 11.64 62 Externalizing problems 57.21 11.85 62 Total behavioral problems 54.29 11.52 62 Parentingl stress 1.24 1.82 68 Categorical variables % N Gender Male 56.1 37 Female 43.9 29 Country of birth Netherlands 91.0 61 Western country 1.5 1 Non-Western country 7.5 5 Living situation adolescent Together with one parent 47.8 33 Together with multiple parents 44.9 31 Other 7.2 5 Living situation adolescent Lived not at home 3.0 2 Secondary outcome Lived at home 97.0 64 Level of education None 13.0 9 Primary education 4.3 3 Lower secondary education 58.0 40 Higher secondary education 24.6 17 Previous treatment Absent 8.5 6 Present 91.5 65 Engagement in school or work Absent 21.9 14 Secondary outcome Present 78.1 50 Court order No 0.0 0 Civil 40.8 29 Criminal 59.2 42 Police contacts during treatment Absent 51.5 35 Secondary outcome Present 48.5 33 Relation father Absent 3.0 2 Present 97.0 64 Relation mother Absent 0.0 0 Present 100.0 68 Relation siblings Absent 12.1 7 Present 87.9 51 Relation peers Absent 0.0 0 Present 100.0 68