Hester van Eeren

PhD Portfolio | 165 | Presentations at national and international meetings Finding treatmen teffects within subgroups when using the propensity score to control for selection bias: A monte carlo simulation study (oral), 14th International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research (ISPOR), Madrid, Spain 2011 1 ECTS The use of the propensity score (oral), Afdeling Ouderenzorg AMC, Amsterdam 2012 1 ECTS Subgroup analysis when using the propensity score: A Monte Carlo simulation study (oral), Society for Medical Decision Making, Oslo, Norway 2012 1 ECTS An illustrative Value of Information analysis (VoI) applied to systemic interven- tions aimed to reduce youth delinquency (oral), department of Psychiatry, Eras- mus MC, Rotterdam 2013 1 ECTS An illustrative value of information analysis applied to systemic interventions aimed to reduce youth delinquency (oral), ICMPE, Venice, Italy 2013 1 ECTS How can we reduce uncertainty in modeling the cost-effectiveness of two sys- temic interventions aimed at reducing juvenile delinquency? (oral), MST Europe conference, London, UK 2014 1 ECTS Comparing the effectiveness of Functional Family Therapy and Multisystemic Therapy using the propensity score method (oral), EUSARF, Oviedo, Spain 2015 1 ECTS Various presentations at internal research meetings of de Viersprong and section Medical Psychology and Psychotherapy 2010-2015 2 ECTS National and international conferences The Low Lands Health Economists’ Study Group, Egmond aan Zee 2010 16 hours 13th Annual European Congress of the International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research (ISPOR), Prague, Czech 2010 32 hours The Low Lands Health Economists’ Study Group, Soesterberg 2011 16 hours Lustrum symposium Nederlandse Vereniging voor Technology Assessment in de Gezondheidszorg (NVTAG), Utrecht 2011 4 hours 14th Annual European Congress of the International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research (ISPOR), Madrid, Spain 2011 32 hours 14th Biennial European meeting of the Society for Medical Decision Making, Oslo, Norway 2012 24 hours Beyond the QALY (iMTA), Rotterdam 2012 4 hours 11th Workshop on costs and assessment in Psychiatry, ICMPE, Venice, Italy 2013 16 hours MST Europe conference, London, UK 2014 16 hours Symposium Maatschappelijke kosten-baten analyse en intersectorale kosten en baten: een stap voorwaarts!? (NVTAG), Den Haag 2014 4 hours Zomersymposium (NVTAG), Utrecht 2015 4 hours