Hester van Eeren

Framework for modelling the cost-effectiveness of systemic interventions | 2 23 | the model, the current results only illustrate how long-term effects could be included in the present model, as it is mainly based on assumptions made and empirical data are lacking. 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% PercentageofyoufhtiomnodflesoYtate FearY TT StateA-AcArimnmlaB StateAoAcAlCtArimnmlaB StateAdAcAea Figure 2. Percentage of youth in model states over time for FFT 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% PercentageofyoufhtiomnodflesoYtate TearY U� StateA-AcArimnmlaB StateAoAcAlCtArimnmlaB StateAdAcAea Figure 3. Percentage of youth in model states over time for TAU Perc ntage o outh in mod l state Years State A - criminal State B - not criminal State C - dead State A - criminal State B - not criminal State C - dead Perc ntage of yo t n model s Years