Hester van Eeren

| Chapter 3 3 | 54 Model state costs Criminal state (A) direct health-care costs criminal Social worker GP Medical officer Medical specialist Alternative healer Family guardian Centre for addiction treatment direct non health-care costs criminal Direct non health-care - adolescent  Council of child protection Bureau Halt Police Lawyer Court Social rehabilitation Incarceration costs indirect non health-care costs criminal Indirect non health-care - adolescent Time spent on exercises as part of intervention Indirect non health-care - parent Absence from work Inefficiency at work Productivity losses due to unpaid support Productivity losses due to paid support Time spent on exercises as part of intervention Non Criminal state (B) direct health-care costs non criminal Direct health-care - adolescent Psychiatrist Psychologist Psychiatric nurse Social worker GP GP at school Pediatrician Medical specialist Alternative healer Family guardian Youth welfare agency ER Foster care Residential institution Day hospitalization Hospitalization