Hester van Eeren

| Chapter 3 3 | 56 Model state costs Non Criminal state (B) direct health-care costs non criminal Centre for addiction treatment Direct health-care - parent Psychiatrist Psychologist Psychiatric nurse Social worker GP Medical officer Medical specialist Alternative healer Family guardian Centre for addiction treatment direct non health-care costs non criminal Direct non health-care - adolescent Council of child protection Bureau Halt Police Lawyer Court Social rehabilitation Incarceration costs indirect non health-care costs non criminal Indirect non health-care - adolescent Time spent on exercises as part of intervention Indirect non health-care – parent Absence from work Inefficiency at work Productivity losses due to unpaid support Productivity losses due to paid support Time spent on exercises as part of intervention Italics - costs not relevant from 23 years onwards EVPPI, Expected Value of Partial Perfect Information; FFT, Functional Family Therapy; SE, Standard error