Hester van Eeren

| Chapter 3 3 | 58 Table II. pEVPI and pEVPPI for a range of WTP values WTP transition probabilities FFT transition probabilities Course House direct health- care costs criminal direct health- care costs non criminal direct non health-care costs criminal €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €5,000 €23,000 €0 €0 €0 €1,700 €10,000 €919,600 €1,990,500 €0 €0 €12,400 €15,000 €6,402,400 €11,155,100 €0 €0 €21,200 €20,000 €16,263,300 €24,720,800 €600 €0 €29,800 €25,000 €28,832,200 €40,322,400 €8,900 €0 €34,300 €30,000 €42,919,000 €57,149,700 €16,900 €0 €60,400 €35,000 €57,863,500 €74,630,700 €41,300 €0 €264,800 €40,000 €70,749,600 €89,965,700 €590,500 €357,800 €1,546,500 €45,000 €73,470,900 €95,078,000 €0 €0 €185,800 €50,000 €76,407,100 €100,394,600 €0 €0 €75,900 €55,000 €79,537,400 €105,903,400 €0 €0 €42,900 €60,000 €82,789,400 €111,483,800 €0 €0 €25,100 €65,000 €86,144,500 €117,144,600 €0 €0 €14,200 €70,000 €89,582,300 €122,808,500 €0 €0 €9,400 €75,000 €93,083,900 €128,578,700 €0 €0 €7,300 €80,000 €96,638,800 €134,392,600 €0 €0 €6,700 €85,000 €100,232,100 €140,405,200 €0 €0 €6,100 €90,000 €103,864,300 €146,115,500 €0 €0 €5,400 €95,000 €107,525,900 €152,098,000 €0 €0 €4,800 €100,000 €111,211,000 €157,921,800 €0 €0 €4,100 WTP, willingness-to-pay; FFT, Functional Family Therapy; pEVPI, population Expected Value of Perfect Information; pEVPPI, population Expected Value of Partial Perfect Information