Maxime Verhoeven

101 TCZ vs. TCZ+MTX; prevention of radiographic progression in RA Supplementary Table S7 Comparative treatment effects of different TCZ-regimens on preventing radiographic progression in early RA, stratified analyses. Strata TCZ, n TCZ+MTX, n RR (95%CI)* 1) high baseline joint damage AND high baseline DAS28 73 83 0.97 (0.79-1.18) 2) high baseline joint damage AND low baseline DAS28 56 49 1.04 (0.87-1.26) 3) low baseline joint damage AND high baseline DAS28 76 62 0.88 (0.70-1.11) 4) low baseline joint damage AND low baseline DAS28 90 104 0.97 (0.85-1.11) *Relative chances (95%CI) are based on stratified analyses, controlling for age, gender and DAS28 at baseline. A RR above 1 is associated with less radiographic progression for TCZ. Low/high levels of baseline joint damage (SvdH score ≤1/>1) and disease activity (DAS28 ≤6.37/>6.37) were based on their respective median values in the data. TCZ= tocilizumab; MTX= methotrexate; DAS28= disease activity score assessing 28 joints; SvdH= Sharp van der Heijde; RR= relative ‘chance’. 5