Maxime Verhoeven

Epub ahead of print in The Journal of Rheumatology August 2020 M.M.A. Verhoeven 1 J. Tekstra 1 J.M. van Laar 1 A. Pethö-Schramm 2 M.E.A. Borm 3 J.W.J. Bijlsma 1 J.W.G. Jacobs 1 F.P.J.G. Lafeber 1 P.M.J. Welsing 1 1 Department of Rheumatology & Clinical Immunology, University Medical Center Utrecht, Utrecht University, the Netherlands; 2 F. Hoffmann-La Roche, Basel, Switzerland; 3 Roche Nederland BV, Woerden, the Netherlands. Chapter 7: Effect on costs and quality-adjusted life- years of treat-to-target treatment strategies initiating methotrexate, or tocilizumab, or their combination in early rheumatoid arthritis. 5 year economic evaluation.