Maxime Verhoeven

154 Chapter 7 Supplementary Table 6 (continued) Analysis Over 5 years TCZ+MTX vs. MTX TCZ vs. MTX TCZ-SC -30% Societal perspective # 29,300 (11,400 to 46,800) -6,000 (-21,800 to 9,900) QALYs 0.06 (-0.11 to 0.23) -0.04 (-0.21 to 0.14) ICER # % ( SE , SW, NW, NE) 488,763 (0,0,24,76) 155,624 (25,52,14,9) subgroup DAS28>5.1 Societal perspective # 35,500 (10,600 to 60,000) 200 (-23,800 to 23,900) QALYs 0.07 (-0.17 to 0.31) -0.01 (-0.26 to 0.25) ICER # % ( SE , SW, NW, NE) 513,598 (0,0,29, 71) -24,099 (23,26,26,25) Outcomes based on single imputation nested in 10,000 bootstraps; costs expressed in euro’s. TCZ+MTX= initiation of tocilizumab + methotrexate strategy group; TCZ= initiation of tocilizumab + placebo- methotrexate strategy group; MTX= initiation of methotrexate + placebo-tocilizumab strategy group; Societal perspective= direct healthcare costs + indirect not healthcare costs + productivity loss costs + medication costs; # = using human capital approach; QALY= quality-adjusted life years; ICER= incremental cost effectiveness ratio (using societal perspective according to human capital approach); SE = south east: gain in QALY, less expensive; SW= south west: Loss in QALY, less expensive; NW= north west: Loss in QALY, more expensive; NE= north east: gain in QALY, more expensive; SC= subcutaneous; IV= intravenous.