Maxime Verhoeven

245 Curriculum vitae CURRICULUM VITAE Maxime Marie Antoinette Verhoeven was born on the 12 th of March 1993 in Oldenzaal, the Netherlands. In 2010, she finished secondary school at the Twents Carmel College (TCC) Lyceumstraat. In September 2010, she started studying Nutrition and Dietetics at HAN University of Applied Science. After a 1-year internship at the Radboud UMC Nijmegen, she obtained her Bachelor of Science (BSc) degree in July 2014. Afterwards she started with the research master Nutrition and Health at Wageningen University of Research. For her master thesis, she performed research on the association between visceral fat area and survival in colorectal cancer patients. To conduct this research, she had to assessed patients’ body composition using preoperative CT images at the level of the 3 rd lumbar vertebrae. During the summer holidays, she continued this work at the Wageningen University of Research. During her internship at a dairy company, “FrieslandCampina”, she performed a systematic literature review and meta-analysis with the aim to assess the association between intake of different dairy sources of vitamin B12 and vitamin B12 status in healthy humans. These results have been published in 2019. After finishing her master thesis and internship, she obtained her Master of Science (MSc) degree in February 2017. In May 2017, she started as a PhD candidate at the department of Rheumatology & Clinical Immunology at the University Medical Center Utrecht under supervision of dr. J. Tekstra, dr. P.M.J. Welsing, Prof. dr. J.M. van Laar, and Prof. dr. F.P.J.G. Lafeber. Other members of the promotion team were dr. M.J.H. de Hair, who changed jobs at the end of 2018, and dr. J.W.G. Jacobs. During her PhD journey she performed research on the effectiveness, safety and cost effectiveness of different (medical) treatment strategies in (early) rheumatoid arthritis patients. Furthermore, she established the additional value of a (new) medical device, and implementing this device in clinical practice by developing and validating a new disease activity measurement instrument for rheumatoid arthritis patients. In addition, she coordinated a clinical trial, which is currently being performed in 5 centres in the Netherlands. Almost all her research has been published the recent years in peer- reviewed international journals. Currently she works at the “Kennisinstituut” as an advisor.