Mylène Jansen

Return to sport and work after KJD and HTO 105 5 Supplementary Table S2 : Low-, intermediate-, and high-impact sports activities included in the questionnaire, and the total number of participants for each sport at 4 time points Level of impact Sport Presymp 1 year preop 1 year postop At final FU Low Nordic walking 3 0 0 0 Low Cycling 35 26 28 32 Low Bike racing 13 6 6 6 Low Swimming 21 16 16 18 Low Aqua aerobics 3 1 1 1 Low Cross-country skiing 5 2 1 1 Low Golf 3 3 2 3 Low Table tennis 3 2 2 0 Low Dancing 11 3 2 3 Low Sailing 5 3 2 0 Low Rowing 3 2 3 4 Intermediate Inline skating 5 3 1 0 Intermediate Hiking 19 6 7 10 Intermediate Mountain climbing 3 2 1 1 Intermediate Mountain biking 4 6 4 4 Intermediate Fitness/weight training 20 13 16 13 Intermediate Aerobics 8 1 1 1 Intermediate Gymnastics 4 0 0 0 Intermediate Downhill skiing 13 3 3 2 Intermediate Snowboarding 2 0 0 0 Intermediate Ice skating 17 3 2 2 Intermediate Tennis (doubles) 10 5 2 1 Intermediate Horse riding 4 2 3 1 High Jogging 20 6 0 2 High Ice hockey 0 0 0 0 High Tennis (singles) 13 5 1 1 High Squash 7 1 0 0 High Badminton 6 2 2 0 High Soccer 13 2 1 1 High Handball 4 0 0 0 High Volleyball 7 1 0 0 High Baseball 0 0 0 0 High Martial arts 6 1 1 1 High Water skiing 2 0 0 0 High Basketball 4 0 0 0 High Hockey 0 0 0 0 High Rugby 2 0 0 0 Level of impact according to Vail et al. 31 FU: follow-up; postop: postoperative; presymp: presymptomatic; preop: preoperative.