Mylène Jansen

User-friendliness of a dedicated KJD device 135 7 Intervention duration The intervention duration was on average 56 (SD 10) minutes for the CD device and 44 (8) minutes for the DD device ( p< 0.001), showing a statistically significant reduction of 12 minutes (21% reduction) for the DD device (Figure 2). Intervention duration is defined as the time between the first incision and the end of the procedure. Each dot represents a patient/procedure. Lines indicate mean ± standard deviation. The p- value indicates statistical significance of the differences between groups (bold indicating statistical significance, p< 0.05). Figure 2 : The registered intervention duration for the concept (CD) device versus the dedicated distraction (DD) device. Dots represent individual patients while lines represent group means and standard deviation. Complications The most frequently seen complications were pin tract skin infections, occurring somewhat more often in the CD patients (16/22; 73%) than the DD patients (13/22; 59%) but showing no statistically significant difference between devices ( p= 0.210). In the CD group, 3 patients required hospitalization and intravenous antibiotics for their pin tract infections, as did 1 patient who experienced osteomyelitis and 1 patient who experienced osteomyelitis and septic arthritis along with their pin tract infections. Also, 1 patient in the CD group had a broken bone pin (which was replaced) and 1 patient experienced a flexion limitation that required knee manipulation under anesthesia. In the DD group none of the patients required intravenous antibiotics and apart from the pin tract infections, 1 person experienced thrombosis and was treated with anticoagulation. Questionnaires Out of the 44 included patients, 34 filled out the questionnaire (16/22 patients with the