Mylène Jansen

User-friendliness of a dedicated KJD device 145 7 5. During the distraction period of 6 weeks, was your sleeping very disturbed by the knee distractor? 6. During the distraction period of 6 weeks, did the knee distractor damage your bedding? Care/use 7. During the distraction period of 6 weeks, was it difficult to take care of the pin tracts well? 8. Was the manual for taking care of pin tracts clear for you? 9. How easy was it to extend the knee distractor with the thumb wheel? 10. Was the manual for extending the knee distractor clear for you? Daily activities 11. During the distraction period of 6 weeks, did your knee distractor ever get caught on something or did you ever bump the knee distractor against something during daily activities? no barely fairly severely disturbed never once or twice several times not difficult somewhat difficult very difficult no reasonably clear completely clear difficult went okay easy no reasonably clear completely clear never sometimes regularly often