Mylène Jansen

User-friendliness of a dedicated KJD device 151 7 Freedom of movement 12. With which knee distractor were you able to walk without crutches during the distraction period (if not walked without crutches then do not circle anything)? only the red one / mostly the red one / both / mostly the yellow one / only the yellow one 13. With which knee distractor were you able to resume your daily domestic activities during the distraction period (if not able to resume then do not circle anything)? only the red one / mostly the red one / both / mostly the yellow one / only the yellow one 14. With which knee distractor were you able to resume your (paid) activities (job) during the distraction period (if not able to resume then do not circle anything)? only the red one / mostly the red one / both / mostly the yellow one / only the yellow one 15. With which knee distractor did you walk during the distraction period? only the red one / mostly the red one / both / mostly the yellow one / only the yellow one Complications 16. With which knee distractor did you need antibiotics during the distraction period? only the red one / mostly the red one / both / mostly the yellow one / only the yellow one 17. With which knee distractor have you had pin tract infections during the distraction period? only the red one / mostly the red one / both / mostly the yellow one / only the yellow one 18. With which knee distractor did you have to visit your doctor due to problems with the distractor during the distraction period? only the red one / mostly the red one / both / mostly the yellow one / only the yellow one