Mylène Jansen

MRI cartilage thickness after KJD and HTO 287 14 The only patient characteristic significantly different between KJD mild and KJD severe was sex ( p= 0.017). Corrected for sex, there was a large and statistically significant difference in MAC cartilage thickness change between KJD patients with mild compared to more severe OA: KJD mild patients showed a significant decrease and KJD severe patients showed a significant increase in cartilage thickness (Figure 3A; Table 3 and 4). Similarly, the change in MAC denuded bone area showed a large significant difference between both groups, with only KJD severe patients displaying a significant decrease in denuded bone area over time (Figure 3B; Table 3 and 4). The difference in cartilage structure changes between groups was not as clearly observed by MAC JSW change (Figure 3C; Table 4). Lastly, only KJD mild showed a significant negative change with the LAC denuded bone area increasing over time (+0.64; 0.08–1.18; p= 0.028). Not correcting for sex did not change significance for any comparison between KJD mild and KJD severe . Figure 3 : Two-year change in radiographic and MRI cartilage thickness parameters for knee joint distraction (KJD) patients with mild (KJD mild ) and severe (KJD severe ) osteoarthritis. (A) Change in MRI mean cartilage thickness over the total subchondral bone area (ThCtAB) of the more affected compartment (MAC). (B) Change in MRI percentage of denuded subchondral bone area (dABp) of the MAC. (C) Change in mean radiographic joint space width (JSW) of the MAC. Markers represent individual patients, dashes represent the group mean and 95% confidence interval. Hashes (#) between groups indicate statistically significant differences between each 2 groups ( p< 0.05), corrected for statistically significantly different baseline characteristics. When dividing HTO patients into HTO mild and HTO severe , there were no statistically significant differences in baseline characteristics or in 2-year changes between these 2 groups for any of the MAC MRI or JSW parameter (Table 4). KJD severe showed a significantly greater cartilage restoration response in theMAC thanHTO severe , with large effect sizes for both MAC cartilage thickness and denuded bone area (Table 3). This was not observed with MAC JSW change. These comparisons were corrected for age, which was significantly different between the 2 groups ( p= 0.009). The changes in all 3 parameters did not differ significantly between KJD mild and HTO mild (Table 4); there were no statistically significant differences between the 2 groups (all p> 0.05).