Mylène Jansen

296 Chapter 14 Supplementary results Longitudinal changes by patient group Subregions Cartilage thickness changes in the 16 subregions are shown in Supplementary Figure 1 for each of the 3 groups. The KJD HTO group did not show statistically significant thickness changes in any of the regions, except for a small but statistically significant decrease in the internal LAC tibia. The HTO group showed a statistically significant cartilage thickness decrease in the central tibia, internal tibia, and internal femoral areas of the MAC and internal femoral area of the LAC, while the external tibial LAC area showed a statistically significant increase. The KJD TKA group showed a significant increase in cartilage thickness in the central, anterior, and external areas of the tibia and femur of the MAC, while the internal and posterior areas of the MAC and all areas in the LAC showed no statistically significant change over time. Supplementary Figure S1 : Two-year cartilage thickness changes in each of the 16 subregions. Subregions are the central (c), external (e), internal (i), anterior (a) and posterior (p) parts of the tibia (T) and the central, external and internal parts of the femur (F) for both the most (MAC) and least (LAC) affected compartment. HTO: high tibial osteotomy; KJD HTO : knee joint distraction (KJD) patients from the HTO trial; KJD TKA : KJD patients from the total knee arthroplasty trial. Significant 2-year changes are indicated with *. Means and standard errors are shown.